Visits Since 19 Dec 09

Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Atari Revolution Has Hit My Game Room

^^^ Updated Picture ^^^
Sealed stuff on the left, CIB on the right

Yeah so since I got that Intelivison (2 posts back) I've been craving an Atari. I scored one w/25 games on craiglist for $25 on Thurdsay and have been playing the hell out of it.

Collecting Atari? I've got a CIB sytem comming in the mail that I won from eBay with some CIB games. I made a list of 25 games I'd like to pick up either CIB or sealed. I look forward to amassing a small but quality little collection.


justinthegr8one said...

remember, you can use old sega genesis controlllers and use those instead of the atari joysticks. they both have the same ports

Jim said...

Thanks Justin, The one I bought Thursday actually came with both a Joystick and a Genesis controller.

MCT said...

quite a nice haul :)